Kale got his first package the other day! The UPS man rang the bell, and I told Kris that I would get it because it was probably a package for me. Much to both of our surprises, the package wasn't addressed to either one of us. Instead, it was for Kale!!! It was so neat to get a package with his name on it.
As for an update, things are still progressing well. At this point, he has settled in and is not measuring as big as he was. We are only about 2 1/2 weeks ahead of schedule at this point. We will have an ultrasound March 1st, so we will find out his weight and length then. It is getting hard for him to fit though. He routinely sticks out whole body parts. It feels so weird and looks ever weirder. If I try to push him back in, he fights back. He is fiesty!!
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