- I let them jump on the bed. I don't understand what the big deal is. Sometimes I am afraid Kale will jump off...and maybe when he gets a little bigger, it could be a problem. But for now, I let him jump!
- Sometimes I let him have juice and sweets before bed. The dentist says you are not supposed to allow your child to have sugar before bed because it sits on his teeth and can cause tooth decay. Sometimes I let him have sugar anyway.
- I hope they know I pick my battles. I know the importance of deciding what's really important. If Kale doesn't want to sit in the chair and eat dinner, I let him sit on the floor. My theory is that he gets to make decisions on the unimportant stuff (like where he eats dinner), while I decide the important stuff (like being kind to your brother).
- I'm okay with stuff getting broken. I know it's bound to happen, so why freak out over it? Over the weekend, Kale ripped a key off my keyboard and a piece of the blind off...he didn't mean to. He's just a little boy. If I would be mad at anyone, it would be myself, for letting it happen. Things will get broken, but they are just things...
- I hope they think I have a sweet spirit. I have been praying about this alot lately, because sometimes this is a hard one for me. I tend to be loud in everything I do. Even in disciplining, I want to have a calm, sweet spirit.
- I hope they remember that I sing them to sleep. I don't have a good a voice, but Kale knows every night before bed, I sing Twinkle, Twinkle. He even joins in now that he is older.
- I hope they know that I pray for them every day of their lives. I pray that they are happy, healthy, and safe. I pray they are kind, successful, and dedicated to the Lord. I even pray for their someday spouse. God has given me heaven on earth with my two sweet boys, I am so thankful.
- I hope they remember that I play with them. I don't really know how to play "boy stuff" sometimes, but I fake it until I make it. We play basketball, cars, we knock blocks over, I use sound effects. This is a stretch for me sometimes. I wonder if I am doing it right, but I have discovered there is no right and wrong. They don't care, as long as you are there.
Things I Remember about my Mom
- The way she smelled--always like coffee.
- Every night before bed, even into my teenage years, she "tucked me in." She would say "I love you, sweet dreams.
- That she picked her battles (probably the number one thing I learned from her). Even as an adult, she is not intrusive. She doesn't give unsolicited advice. She truly understand the value of learning from one's own mistakes.
- She made major sacrifices for me. My family did okay while I was growing up...but we definitely weren't wealthy. My parents made sure I went to private school and always had my needs met. I remember being young, like 5 or 6 and begging to go to McDonald's. My mom told me no because we didn't have any money. I begged and begged and she took me, but paid with change. I was always taken care of, and then some.
- She made me clean up after myself. This is important. I am now a clean freak as a result.
- She knows how to forgive and forget mistakes. I have made plenty and she still loves me. (and she doesn't bring up the stupid things I have done along the way.)
- She is my mother and my friend.
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