Tuesday, April 26, 2011

New Address

For those of you who want our new address, we are finally getting mail here.

7410 Ledgestone Dr.
Amarillo, TX 79119

I have had several requests for updated pics of the house. I will take pictures when I have had a chance to clean! :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011


The Easter Bunny came to our house and brought Kale all kinds of neat stuff. He got an Easter shirt, new pacis, goldfish, a chocolate bunny, bubbles, and lots more good stuff.

I think his favorite part was the grass in his basket.

Happy Easter from the Helling family!

Kale's Birthday Party

We waited to have Kale's party until the week after his actual birthday so that Kris would be in town.

Kris decorated outside. We have a "1" pinata.

We had various activities set up for the kids: bowling, bubbles, balls, swing set, etc.

Kale and Dad...I am pretty sure this is a self portrait.

Kris and our sweet friend, Lisa. Lisa and I share a sitter on Monday and Wednesday.

Kale with Ravyn, our fantastic nanny, and my good friend, Lana.

Amelia and Alex, with their dad Joel.

Kale didn't eat too much of the food, but did love the cheetos.

Kale's second smash cake!

We had a cupcake cake for everyone else to enjoy.

Kale got lots of great presents, including books, clothes, blocks, a soccer ball, a lawn mower, and money! 

Everyone got a turn to try to knock down the pinata.

Adventures in the Backyard

For Kale's birthday, he got a swing set.

He absolutely loves playing in this baby swing. No matter how long he is in it, he still cries when we take him out. Thanks to Uncle Aaron and Aunt Melissa for buying Kale's baby swing!

Kale still loves our dogs.

Jonah is a good sport, even though Kale frequently tries to remove his eyeballs.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Kale's Birthday

I can't believe my baby is one today. Wow! Time flies by so quickly. We didn't do his party, as Kris is in Italy for work. I know it was hard for him to miss being with Kale on his first birthday. My grandma was still in town and we let Kale open a few presents and I bought a small cake from the grocery store for Kale to "munch" on.

Kale got two books (from me, of course) for his birthday. He loves reading.

His favorite present was the wrapping paper!

Look at that hair!

Great-grandma fell and hurt her leg while she was visiting, so she had to use a walker to get around. Kale is hoping she leaves it at our house, as it has quickly become one of his favorite toys. If she leaves her door open he is in her room, pushing her walker out. If we take it away, he starts to cry.

Uncle David got Kale a small battery-operated 4-wheeler. As soon as I put him on it, Kale figured out how to make it work. He was pushing the button and was off! It's a good thing it only goes 2 MPH because he is horrible at steering.

Kale LOVED his chocolate cake.

Things did get a bit messy.

He had to have a bath to get all of the chocolate cake off, and then I still found bits here and there.

Kale's 4-wheeler

This past year has been one of the most fulfilling years of both mine and Kris' life. We are thankful to God everyday for blessing us with Kale. He is so much more than I could have dreamed of. Much has changed in our life in the past year--I can't wait to find out what other changes are in store for our family!

Monday, April 11, 2011

A Visit from Grandma and Grandpa Helling

Kale still loves his daddy!

Kris' grandparents came to visit on their way back to Iowa from Mission, TX. Grandpa Helling enjoyed a nap on the couch!

Kale was doubly spoiled by having both of his great-grandmothers come for a visit at the same time. Kale loved Grandma Shirley, but wasn't really sure what to think of Grandpa Tom.

My Little Man

I can hardly believe Kale will be 1 this Friday. Time has just flown by. I am getting a little emotional knowing that he is growing up so fast. By the way, he does has hair these days! It is still pretty blond, but it's there!

I love his little overalls. Kris, of course, thinks they look ridiculous.

He is always on the go. Grandma Marie can hardly keep up with him these days.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Visit from Great-Grandma

My Grandma Marie is currently here visiting for a few weeks. Kale is enjoying spending time with her. I am loving having the extra help around the house to help get things organized after the move.

Kale Loves Pacis!

A few days ago, Kale started crying shortly after I put him down for bed. When I went in to check on him, I discovered he managed to put two pacifiers in his mouth at the same.