Sunday, March 28, 2010

Springtime has arrived!

Molly and Jonah had one of the best days of thier lives today. We went on a long walk (in an attempt to get labor started on my part!!) and then we went to an area that has a wide open field and a pond. They were so excited to go!! They sat in the hatch portion of the Murano. We rolled down the windows and they were both happy dogs!

Once we got to the field, we let them run loose. Kris threw the balls for them over and over. They both discovered they had a little lab in them. They found the pond and it was love at first sight!!! We couldn't keep them out of it. I was afraid they might drown because they were getting so tired. Below are some videos on them frolicking in the water. Notice in one video when Molly jumps in, her entire head goes under water for a few seconds. She managed to dunk herself several times.

Here they are, soaking wet and exhausted after 45 minutes of fetching the ball from the water. They will definitely sleep well tonight!!

Baby Daze

We have just a few more weeks until Kale will be here! I am so anxious I can hardly sleep at night!! We go for weekly check ups now. This past Wednesday we saw the dr., and I am making a tiny bit of progress--but not as much as I would like! Right now, he is too high. The dr. said if he doesn't drop, she will recommend a C-section. We go again this Tuesday and I am hoping to hear positive news. Well, actually what I am hoping to hear goes something like, " Oh my gosh, you are dilated and this baby could come at any time!! Let's get you checked into the hospital!" Unfortunately, I don't think that's going to happen. Maybe it's because I'm an impatient person, but I really have not enjoyed being pregnant.

Things I Hate About Being Pregnant:
1. Not being able to bend over to pick anything up.
2. Peeing every 30 minutes (including during the night).
3. The constant achiness.
4. The swelling-now I can't even wear my wedding ring. I look like an unwed mother.
5. The rude comments people make about how huge I am.
6. Maternity clothes--that really don't fit anymore!! (They are too small, not too big.)
7. The inability to shave my legs.
8. Wearing flat shoes (I miss my heels!!).
9. The constant exhaustion.
10. WAITING!!! I have honestly begun to pray that my water will break.

Things I Enjoy About Being Pregnant:
1. Feeling the baby kick.
2. Watching the baby roll and feeling him stick out specific body parts.
3. Everyone is nicer to you when you are pregnant--people just seem to smile more.
4. Seeing the excitement in my students when they ask about the baby.
5. The thought that through this process I will eventually have a baby!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Big Baby Kale

We just had our most recent ultrasound. Kale didn't cooperate very well...he just moved too much!!! The ultrasound tech and radiologist were amazed at how active he was.

I love this picture of him. He brow is furrowed and he just looks so serious. Many people have said he looks just like Kris. He is in the right position for delivery, however his hands and feet were up by his head the entire time. As a matter of fact, that is his foot you see on top of his head! During the entire ultrasound, he kept grabbing his feet and putting them into his mouth (or at least that's what it looked like).

He officially weighs 5 pounds (already) and is in the 70 percentile for weight. He's going to be a big one. His delivery weight will probably be around 9 pounds. I guess he won't be fitting in those newborn clothes we bought! Oh-and he also has hair already! We actually got to see it during the ultrasound. Most importantly, he is healthy. We counted all his fingers and toes!