Sunday, March 28, 2010

Springtime has arrived!

Molly and Jonah had one of the best days of thier lives today. We went on a long walk (in an attempt to get labor started on my part!!) and then we went to an area that has a wide open field and a pond. They were so excited to go!! They sat in the hatch portion of the Murano. We rolled down the windows and they were both happy dogs!

Once we got to the field, we let them run loose. Kris threw the balls for them over and over. They both discovered they had a little lab in them. They found the pond and it was love at first sight!!! We couldn't keep them out of it. I was afraid they might drown because they were getting so tired. Below are some videos on them frolicking in the water. Notice in one video when Molly jumps in, her entire head goes under water for a few seconds. She managed to dunk herself several times.

Here they are, soaking wet and exhausted after 45 minutes of fetching the ball from the water. They will definitely sleep well tonight!!

1 comment:

  1. Those videos are hilarious!! I used to take Princess swimming,'s so funny to watch them! Wear them out now, so when Kale gets here, they're exhausted & just want to lay around!
