Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kale's Social Calendar

Kale was invited to his first party on Saturday. His more mature, 2 year old friend, Alex, was turning 3. The party was held in the family life center of a church. They had tunnels, little clubhouses, bounce castles, ping pong, etc. It was so much fun! Kale played in the tunnels, jumped in the bounce houses, and flirted with the four-year old girls.
This is a horrible picture of me and I normally would never put in on the internet, but we didn't take very many pictures and I wanted to document his first party. Kale is currently going through a stage where he takes horrible pictures and refuses to look at the camera.

Speaking of birthday parties--I CAN NOT believe Kale will be one in a few short weeks. I felt as if I was pregnant forever, yet his first year has literally flown by. Kale is currently crawling, standing, walking by holding onto objects, clapping, and giving open-mouthed kisses (it's the sweetest thing). He is still a horrible sleeper and has yet to sleep through the night since we moved to Amarillo. He is also becoming a horrible eater...he just thinks he is too busy to eat. My strategy for getting him to eat changes on a daily basis. Today I let him feed me a bite, then I would feed him a bite. (I did learn his puffs are very stale!)

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