Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Horrible Eater

You have all heard me complain about what a horrible eater Kale is...but let me say it again, he is awful! He eats practically nothing. Some days I am surprised he is living considering how little he eats. His daily menu looks like this: oatmeal cereal with applesauce (best meal of the day) for breakfast, maybe a mid-morning snack of goldfish (or maybe not), a few bits of cheese, 2 ritz crackers, 3 small bits of fruit, cheetos for lunch (this is only at home. If he is at daycare, he refuses to eat anything!). Dinner is typically a repeat of lunch with some yogurt added in on a good day. He also enjoys fruit snacks and is currently obsessed with vanilla wafers. When I say obsessed I mean he will likely eat 3 in a sitting. He will not eat any meat, veggies, pasta, potatoes, etc. So...my little man is just that, LITTLE! We have had a hard time maintaining weight this summer, even with me being home feeding him his food. Now that he is in daycare and expected to eat what is served, I fear he will lose weight. I would happily send food, but the daycare won't allow it due to other children's food allergies. (Stupid!) So-in a nutshell, we don't know what to do with our picky eater!

In these pictures you can see that Kale has 3 remote controls. That is one of the tricks we have learned in order to get him to eat. We let him play with old remotes from TV/VCRs we don't have anymore. This occupies him and he will usually eat. He loves to take the back off and try to put it back on. He sits in his high chair and aims the remote at the TV to try to change the channels.

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