Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Our Weekend

Kale loves to "eat" breakfast with his daddy. He thinks it is so cool to sit in the barstools. He sits on my lap each morning and picks at my bagel while I eat. He is happy as long as he sits in the barstools!
We decided to go to the park this weekend. There is a nice park about 15 minutes from our house. This park is huge and has multiple ponds, playsets, and even a dog park. We decided to take our dogs along. They are both obsessed with water and we could not keep them out the pond.

On the way to the park, Kale kept turning around in his carseat saying, "Hi!" to both of the dogs. He did it at least 25 times. We could tell he was surprised they were along for the ride.

Kale had a great time sitting in the stroller watching the dogs play. He giggled like crazy each time they would jump into the water.

Since we live on a cul-de-sac road and all of the garages in Amarillo are in the back of the house (you go in through an alley to park in your garage), Kale is able to play safely in our street--with parental supervision, of course! He really enjoys riding his 4-wheeler in the road. We enjoy it also because he is a horrible driver and he has a much bigger area to drive on. We don't have to worry with him running into stuff like we do in the house or on the patio. Can you tell we live on a street currently under construction based on the background? All construction should be done by December.

Kale also likes to help dad water the flowers. Doesn't he look like such a big boy?

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