Friday, January 13, 2012

Boys will be Boys

I knew it would happen sooner or later...I was just hoping it would be later. 

I received a call from the sitter today saying I needed to come and check out Kale, that he had fallen while riding a toy car and wasn't acting right, something was wrong with his arm. Liam and I went to investigate and called the doctor on the way. When we got there he wouldn't move his arm and was very quiet and would cry if I attempted to touch his arm. We climbed into the car (it was no small feat getting him into his car seat) and headed to the doctor. Once there, we got x-rays and got sent to an orthopedic who confirmed our suspicions. . . Kale had a broken bone--his elbow. I didn't even know you could break your elbow, but apparently you can. Kale is in a cast and a sling. Kris and Kale are currently on a mission to find clothing that will fit over his cast. 

A good man is hard to find--but Kale did his chores even with his broken arm. He is a tough little guy and didn't cry all that much even though we knew he was in a ton of pain.

It is so hard to see your child hurting and know that there is nothing you can do to help. They took multiple x-rays for which Kris had to hold Kale down . It just doesn't seem fair!

I have a feeling with this active little guy we may have more broken bones in the future!

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